Data Analysis: Research Question

My Research Question:
I am interested in exploring the relationship between successful outcomes for young adults in alcohol dependence treatment programs and the stability and support of their family environments. I know, and in some cases am related to, people who have become addicted to alcohol. Some have fared better than others in treatment and I would like to try to better understand the reasons why.

My Secondary Question:
In addition to the stability and support of an alcohol substance abuser's family, I'm interested in whether the person's education and income level have a bearing on how well they do in treatment, and ultimately recovery.

My Dataset:
I have selected the NESARC (the National Epidemiological Survey of Drug Use and Health) dataset which is a survey based resource that contains information on substance abuse incidence, treatment and recovery.

My Codebook:
I have created a subset of the NESARC codebook (attached) which contains the sections on: 
I may add to this codebook as my research proceeds.

Literature Review:
I have identified several studies that explore relationships between alcohol dependence and family. The keywords used in the search include:
  • Alcohol dependence, qualified with
  • + Family History
  • + Recovery
  • + Treatment
The specific research articles include:

July 2009

Predictive Value of Family History on Severity of IllnessThe Case for Depression, Anxiety, Alcohol Dependence, and Drug Dependence

Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2009;66(7):738-747. doi:10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2009.55


Recovery from DSM‐IV alcohol dependence: United States, 2001–2002

First published: 12 October 2005
Cited by: 272
Deborah A. Dawson
NIAAA/LEB Room 3083
5635 Fishers Lane
MSC 9304
MD 20892–9304


Special Topic Section. Focus on Relatives. Guest Editor: M. Coletti (Rome)

The Role of Family and Partnership in Recovery from Alcohol Dependence: Comparison of Individuals Remitting with and without Formal Help

Rumpf H.-J.a · Bischof G.a · Hapke U.b · Meyer C.b · John U.b
Author affiliations
Eur Addict Res 2002;8:122–127

Results and Conclusions of Research from Literature Review
Based on research done in the U.S. using the NESARC dataset and in other countries with other surveys and datasets, there is significant evidence of recovery from alcolhol dependence. Outcomes measures are primarily derived from survey-based assessments of continued alcohol use over various age ranges and However, as the studies state, additional investigation is needed to identify the patterns and reasons why some people addicted to alcohol are more likely to recover than others. My research seeks to contribute to the collective knowledge by exploring the linkage between recovery success and family support, plus other variables such as education and income level.

My Hypothesis:
I believe there is a strong association between a stable and supportive family structure and success in alcohol dependence treatment and ultimately recovery. The primary outcome measure(s) for my research will be derived from information on duration of recovery, measure in number of months of sobriety after treatment, and number of relapses (as available) from the NESARC data.
